Saturday, December 31, 2016

Roll For Pudding

And now for my last entry in my Bright Points of 2016 recap.

9: I took the plunge and became a Dungeon Master.

I'd been listening to The Adventure Zone since it first aired, and was just totally in love with it from day one. When a good friend of mine at work clued me in to The Glass Cannon, a Pathfinder RPG podcast, I started actively thinking about getting back into playing some RPGs. There was a time many years ago when my husband and I were playing 2nd Edition D&D with some friends of his, and it was a great time. I talked with my friend about how great it would be to get back into rolling dice and killing monsters. And then I had the idea that it would be fun to do a prison-break style adventure, which my friend loved, and we got some people together and made it happen.

We've only had one actual session so far, but our next session is on Monday. Most of my leisure time over this weekend will be spent preparing for that session, and trying to construct contingencies for when things inevitably go awry.

It's terrifying, but it's terrific.

10: Speaking of podcasts, I really started listening to a lot of them this year. Some of them just started this year, some of them I came to late.

Alice Isn't Dead
Dead Pilots Society
Interrobang with Travis and Tybee
Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert  (I actually also recently picked up Big Magic, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet).
Still Buffering
The Audio Armory
The Glass Cannon (linked above - you don't need the link twice, do you?)
The Orbiting Human Circus (of the Air)
Within the Wires

I'm lucky enough that I get to listen to these while I'm at work, so adding ten podcasts to the already hefty roster has filled up my workday wonderfully.

11: I frequently had opportunities to do cool things with friends, and I took them. Whether it was the previously-mentioned trip to see Welcome to Night Vale live, or a celebration of pie and πI made cherished memories with wonderful people. This might not seem like a huge thing worth making a stand-alone entry out of, but there was a period in my life where I had very few opportunities to do just that.


Crypticon Minnesota has been my Christmas for 9 years. It is a weekend-long party for misfits, weirdos, offbeat outcasts, and various nerds. There are people my husband and I look forward to seeing every year. Next year will be year 10 for us (12 for the convention overall), and it's going to be incredible.

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